Regular Meeting – November 1, 2011

           I.               CALL TO ORDER: The Regular Meeting of the Weaverville Fire Protection District was called to order by Chairman Bill Britton at 1600 hours.  Members present: Bill Britton, Mike William, Larry Helsley, George Owen and Dee Potter.  Member absent: None.  Others present: Chief Alvord, Legal Advisor David Hammer, Hazard Reduction Coordinator Mike McMillan, Sleeper Ernie Curran and Clerk Marjie Watkins.


         II.               CONSENT AGENDA:

A.     Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on October 4, 2011

B.      Approve Warrant Lists and Journal Entries MSC: Helsley/Potter to approve the consent agenda as presented.


       III.               ACTION ITEMS:

A.         Discuss/Approve change in employee medical insurance coverage, possible fiscal impact of $3,600 – It was reported if we stay with our current medical insurance plans we will have an increase of $3,600 a year.  Chief Alvord requested the board to authorize the exploration of alternative carriers and plans to find plans comparable to our current coverage and cost.  MSC: Potter/Helsley to authorize Chief Alvord to explore other medical insurance plans.



A.         Hazardous Reduction Progress Report: Mr. McMillan reported Firestorm is back to work and has completed a few jobs.  The BOS will consider our Title III Hazard Reduction grant on November 15th.

B.          Fire Chief/Marshal’s Report: Chief Alvord reported:

Inspections – Final sprinkler inspection in the new buildings of the Lumber Mill, they are still working on upgrading sprinklers in the 2 older buildings.

Plan reviews – CVS pharmacy renovation.

Training – Live fire training was a success.

Vehicles – WT-32 is back in service, E-2121 had a leak in the fuel line and had been fixed.  Air trailer was serviced the broke during the live fire training, a new oil regulator was installed.

Misc – BOS will meet on November 15th to accept our fire ordinance.  3 procedures have been updated, Nor Cal King airway and AED, Continuous policy updating plan and the junior policy was created.  Chairman Britton and Chief Alvord met Duane Fry the new Shasta College Fire Science Director.  Mr. Owen got the leak on the side of Station 1 fixed and road grindings delivered for the front parking lot.  2012 testing for the SCBA’s has been completed.  Chief Alvord reported on the structure fire on Mill Street, the group did a great job with Douglas City and Lewiston fire, the automatic aid agreement and TCLS rehab went well.

Sleeper Program Reports – Sleeper Curran reported he is still working; he has been keeping up on the general maintenance and will be working on getting a few items fixed around the station.

C.         Committee Reports:

a.      Recruitment Committee – Chief Alvord reported they met, and plan on meeting again before the next regular meeting.  The plan is having 30 firefighter, 10 juniors and a support services group.  A recruitment and retention rough draft plan has been created with items that can be funded by the FEMA safer grant that will open later this year.

b.     Collections Committee – None

c.      Contract Committee – None

d.     Tuition Committee – None

D.         Directors Reports – Mr. Helsley asked how the haunted house went, Sleeper Curran reported TCLS and CHP helped and it was a success.  Chairman Britton reported it was refreshing to see Chief Alvord putting so much time into the Department.


V.              CORRESPONDENCE: Chief Alvord reported he received a letter from Senator LaMalfa reporting that the SBX 17 bill had lied in legislation and he will keep us informed with any changes.

VII.     ADJOURNMENT:  There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1643 hours.

Approved: December 6, 2011




______________________________                  _____________________________

         Bill Britton, Chairman                                                    Marjie Watkins, Clerk